everychildcounts ON-GOING PROJECTS

As described in the Strategic Plan (2018 – 2022), the project activities in progress are outlined hereunder but not limited to;

  • Capacity building training with individual CSO members on participatory planning and budgeting, Project Cycle Management, Good Financial Governance – Social Accountability
  • Advocacy and community sensitization activities to enhance governance and accountability mainly through public policy dialogues and consultations with decision makers and other stakeholders. This is meant to promote good governance, transparency and accountability in public undertakings.
  • Promote Public debates and consultations on the effects of climate change to social services and production sectors of the economy and mainstreaming of gender and analysis.
  • Participatory action research on biorefining agricultural resources and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices in wildlife and forest sectors in Tanzania.
  • Enhancing the flow of information and networking among and/between members, Government, Development Partners and the general public to speed up development activities at all levels.

Posted on

May 10, 2020

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